
Pray and Reflect

These homilies and reflections by Father Silas explore the Readings of the Sunday Mass and the times and sesons of the Christian life

Silas Henderson Silas Henderson

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (2024)

Like the Prophet Amos in the First Reading and the Apostles in our Gospel, we are also called entrusted with the responsibility of tirelessly proclaiming the Good News of God’s Mercy.

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Silas Henderson Silas Henderson

The Sixth Sunday of Easter (2024)

We are called to reach across the boundaries—whatever form they might take—and invite others to join us in living out this mission.

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Silas Henderson Silas Henderson

The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

If we take to heart the Christmas and Epiphany revelations that Chris is truly present among us, then we also have to recognize that “ordinariness” is no longer a possibility for us.

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Silas Henderson Silas Henderson

The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)

It isn’t enough to simply talk about reconciliation and healing, we must do the hard work of forgiving, which, for disciples of Jesus, is just one aspect of taking up one’s cross and imitating Jesus himself.

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Silas Henderson Silas Henderson

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)

God scatters the seed whether we’re ready, paying attention, or willing to receive the seed at all. This is part of God’s gracious self-giving. God is always speaking to us and the seed is always being sown. 

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Silas Henderson Silas Henderson

Monday of Holy Week 2023

The Evangelist John uses this final visit to Bethany as an opportunity to prefigure what is to come and to highlight the growing animosity of Judas Iscariot and all those who wanted Jesus to die.

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Silas Henderson Silas Henderson

The First Sunday of Lent (Year A)

The Season of Lent reminds us that holiness is really only possible for us if we enter into the struggle, remembering that whatever darkness we may encounter will not overtake us.

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