Pray and Reflect
These homilies and reflections by Father Silas explore the Readings of the Sunday Mass and the times and sesons of the Christian life
The Second of Easter (2024)
“Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”
The Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord (2024)
Like the first Christians, we are being invited to unpack that experience, discerning the grace of the Resurrection in the many little miracles of our day-to-day lives.
The Vigil of Easter (2024)
These stories tell us who we are as disciples of this Risen Lord and if we are truly open to the lessons they contain, they have the power to transform us.
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord (2024)
Living the mystery of the Cross leaves no room for indifference
The Fifth Sunday of Lent (Year B)
Our faith, obedience, work for justice, and service are a response to the Savior’s gift.
The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year B)
God’s mercy most perfectly expresses itself in God’s desire to bring us to life in Christ, even when we were dead to sin and had wandered far away.
The Third Sunday of Lent (Year B)
“Love is always a gift and the only thing God asks of us is that we remember how much we are loved. And because, as I hope we all know, the only thing love asks for is love.“
The Second Sunday of Lent (Year B)
In the Mystery of the Transfiguration of Jesus, we are given a glimpse of Resurrection-promise, even as we are reminded of the sacrifice of a Beloved Son.
Saint Serenus the Gardener: Cultivating Virtue
The witness of saints like Serenus challenges us to reflect on how we cultivate the “garden” that is our own spiritual life.
The First Sunday of Lent (Year B)
The Season of Lent ultimately reminds us that holiness is possible for us only when we enter into the struggle.
The Seven Holy Founders: Lent and Living for Others
It is only when we can begin to live for others—a truly worthy goal for any of us during Lent—that we have any hope of growing into the people of charity and prayer that God calls us to be.
The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
The leper is brought back to life by being able to return to the life of the community and to the practice of his ancestral faith.
Saint Josephine Bakhita: Freedom and Hope
“The daughter of Sudan, sold into slavery as a living piece of property, is free, free with the freedom of the saints.”
The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
Grace and life are offered to us, we are called to express our gratitude in and through our love and service of those around us.
Saint Cornelius the Centurion: The Light of Grace
The light of grace lead Cornelius along a new path.
The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
we are invited to share in Jesus’ prophetic mission, naming blessings where they can be found and calling for justice where it is absent.
Saint Angela Merici: Doing Something New
Saint Angela saw that, in order to fulfill her vocation, she had to set out on new paths.
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
If we take to heart the Christmas and Epiphany revelations that Chris is truly present among us, then we also have to recognize that “ordinariness” is no longer a possibility for us.
Saint Joseph Vaz: Persevering in God’s Paths
Each of us is called to do our part to help make the message of God’s love known in our small corner of the world.
The Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)
Now is the time to act, to accept the Lord’s invitation to “come.”