Pray and Reflect
These homilies and reflections by Father Silas explore the Readings of the Sunday Mass and the times and sesons of the Christian life
The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
God doesn’t choose us because of our greatness or our giftedness
The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (2024)
Faithful discipleship demands that we sacrifice for the good of others, promote peace and justice, letting go of our vision of how the world should be and seeking God’s will in whatever comes our way
Saint Cornelius the Centurion: The Light of Grace
The light of grace lead Cornelius along a new path.
The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
If God has been so generous in calling us—and forgiving us—despite our unworthiness, surely, we can also be generous in forgiving others.
The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
Peter’s faith is more than intellectual knowledge; it is his relationship with Jesus. When he confesses that Jesus is the Christ, Peter is speaking out of his own deep, loving, and personal knowledge of who Jesus is.
The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
For each of us, regardless of our unique vocation, to invitation to “Come”—to leave the safety of the boat—is there. But with that invitation is the promise that God will not allow the storms to overwhelm us.
Saint Mark the Evangelist: Go Into the Whole World
As women and men who have come to share in the Apostles’ and Evangelists’ belief in the Risen Lord, we too are called to the same evangelizing mission that was entrusted to them.