Pray and Reflect
These homilies and reflections by Father Silas explore the Readings of the Sunday Mass and the times and sesons of the Christian life
The Fourth Sunday of Lent (2025)
The story of the Prodigal Son reminds us that God is ever-patient and always willing to welcome us home, regardless of what we might have done or of how far we have strayed.
The Second Sunday of Lent (2025)
Jesus wants us to see his glory, so that we can cling to that experience
The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
This Sunday’s Readings are inviting us to look at our lives and on the realities of the world around us with clear eyes
The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Love of one's enemy constitutes the nucleus of the “Christian revolution”
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
This Child is truly “the glory of Israel and the Light of the nations.”
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Saint Luke reminds us that Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises made through the prophets and the fulness of God’s revelation
The First Sunday of Advent (Year C)
We spend these days looking toward the future, to the second Advent of Christ, when he will return in glory