Pray and Reflect
These homilies and reflections by Father Silas explore the Readings of the Sunday Mass and the times and sesons of the Christian life
The Epiphany of the Lord (2025)
The myrrh at the manger reminds us that the mystery of the Incarnation is inseparably tied to the fullness of the Paschal Mystery
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Year B)
Trinity Sunday invites us to reflect on the communion of love that is at the heart of God
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (2024)
“The Ascension does not point to Jesus’ absence, but tells us that he is alive in our midst in a new way.”
The Sixth Sunday of Easter (2024)
We are called to reach across the boundaries—whatever form they might take—and invite others to join us in living out this mission.
The Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year B)
We must be willing to offer the fruit of our lives for the benefit of others, just as Jesus offered himself in the Eucharist and on the cross
The Fourth Sunday of Easter (2024)
we can only say we truly know this Good Shepherd if we are willing to listen to his voice and follow his commands in our daily lives.
The Third Sunday of Easter (2024)
The hope and promise of the Resurrection on that Easter Day was able to dispel the darkness of grief and despair of the disciples in the days after the crucifixion
The Second of Easter (2024)
“Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”
The Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord (2024)
Like the first Christians, we are being invited to unpack that experience, discerning the grace of the Resurrection in the many little miracles of our day-to-day lives.
The Vigil of Easter (2024)
These stories tell us who we are as disciples of this Risen Lord and if we are truly open to the lessons they contain, they have the power to transform us.
Blessed Isidoro Ngei Ko Lot and Blessed Mario Vergara: Consecrated in Truth
Looking forward to that day when we recall the gift of the Spirit’s fullness on that first Pentecost, the liturgy and the witness of these martyrs invite us to reflect on our own call to mission and evangelization.
The Fourth Sunday of Easter: Abundance of Life
Through Jesus and because he has given his life for “his flock,” we have an abundance of life.
The Second of Easter: Blessed Are We
Easter reminds us that there is something more powerful suffering and death: the love of the God who, in Christ, has taken upon himself our broken humanity.
The Fifth Sunday of Lent (Year A)
As we hear the story of the raising of Lazarus proclaimed on this Fifth Sunday of Lent, Jesus is making a promise to us: God has the power to bring life where there was once death