Pray and Reflect
These homilies and reflections by Father Silas explore the Readings of the Sunday Mass and the times and sesons of the Christian life
The Second Sunday of Advent (2024)
It is only by entering into Advent stillness and quiet that we can discern the distant voice of the Coming One who brings the mercy and peace
The First Sunday of Lent (Year B)
The Season of Lent ultimately reminds us that holiness is possible for us only when we enter into the struggle.
The Seven Holy Founders: Lent and Living for Others
It is only when we can begin to live for others—a truly worthy goal for any of us during Lent—that we have any hope of growing into the people of charity and prayer that God calls us to be.
The Second Sunday of Advent (Year B)
John calls his desert-followers—and each of us—to Advent honesty and vulnerability. In his clarion call, Advent hope and the hard work of conversion come together.
Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent 2023
As we take comfort in the prayer of Savior and the mercy that we receive through him, we are also invited to pray for others, even as Moses prayed for his own people.
Friday of the First Week of Lent 2023
Saint Katharine Drexel embodied the work for justice and reconciliation in her ministry among Native American and African American communities across the United States